Saturday, February 8, 2014

First Two Weeks

Hi everyone! 
So I haven't blogged in a while, but that just means that I have a lot to say 
in this post :). I cannot believe that we have already been here for almost two weeks 
Here is my daily schedule if we are not on a tiyul (field trip):

      7:00 Wake up (Boker Tov!)
      7:45 Breakfast
      8:15 - 11:30 Jewish History 
      11:40 - 12:55 Hebrew
      1:05 - Lunch
      2:00 - 7:15 General Studies (English, Math, Chemistry)
      7:15 Dinner
      8:15 - 11:00 Homework and hanging out
      11:30 - Lights Out (Lilah Tov!)

As you can see, it is a very long and intense schedule but I'd say it is definitely worth it. Most of my classes have anywhere between 6-15 people. 

Last Friday we all went on an archaeological dig which was really cool and fun. 
Last Saturday night, we went to Jerusalem. First, we visited the Kotel (Western Wall) as a 
group. Before when went to the wall, the counselors gave each of us a piece of rosemary 
that we were supposed to smell so we could remember that moment. It was really powerful 
for me because it was when I really realized that I am in Israel and I will be living here for 
the next 4 months. That night, we went out for pizza, then to a Debbie Friedman tribute 
concert at Hebrew University. After that, we had some free time at the Mamilla mall. 
It was really fun to get out of the Kibbutz. On Sunday for Jewish History, we went on a 
field trip to Tel Gezer. A "tel" is a hill that consists of multiple ancient cities on top of 
each other. It was amazing for this to be my history classroom. I could get used to this :). 
For class, we would walk around, stop to take notes, then keep walking. There were some 
pretty outstanding views during history class. On Thursday (Feb 6), we had a very long day. 
In the morning we had another tiyul (field trip) for Jewish History. We went to Sataf which
was ancient ruins on a mountain with forms of agriculture. It was beautiful and a fun history 
class! At the end of the trip, we got to climb through a cave that our ancestors used for a 
water system. Following the trip, we had a full day of general studies classes, then went 
out as a group to Malcha mall. Yesterday (Friday), we did not have any classes but we went 
to a farm for a Tzedakah (social justice) project at a farm. The farm is for kids in Israel that 
have dropped out of high school and want a place to learn and work. We helped them 
clean up the rocks on the land. It was a really nice day out and was really nice to help out.
During free time on Friday a group of us went up to "The Tel." A 10 minute hike got us up a 
hill to ancient castle ruins. I have to stay it was one of the most outstanding views and 
experiences of the trip so far. We walked around and hung out up there for about an hour. 
Finally, Shabbat came! It has been very relaxing so far. Right now, a group of us are sitting 
outside doing homework. I could also get used to this :).  I hope all is well at home. 
Stay warm! More blog posts to come!

